1 |
03-Feb-2025 |
Expression of EOI Convocation Documentation Service |
2 |
29-Jan-2025 |
Extension Notice (3rd Call) for repairing and renovation of Basketball court, Volley ball court and Badminton court |
3 |
25-Jan-2025 |
4 |
27-Jan-2025 |
Extension of E.O.I. (3rd Call) Decoration of Bodofa Statue |
5 |
27-Jan-2025 |
Extension of E.O.I. (3rd Call) Construction of Shamiana |
6 |
24-Jan-2025 |
Extension Notice Construction of M.S gate with RCC pillars near to the Department of Chemistry for emergency exit as well as University Medical Unit and construction of Ramp with railing at Medical Unit of the University |
7 |
20-Jan-2025 |
Extension EOI Construction of Shamiana |
8 |
20-Jan-2025 |
Extension EOI Decoration of Bodofa Statue |
9 |
17-Jan-2025 |
Expression of Interest for the supply of Ayurvedic Medicines to the medical unit of Bodoland University |
10 |
11-Jan-2025 |
Expression of Interest |
11 |
11-Jan-2025 |
EOI for garbage cleaning |
12 |
07-Jan-2025 |
Corrigendum Notice |
13 |
07-Jan-2025 |
Extension Notice for repairing and renovation of Basketball court, Volley ball court and Badminton court |
14 |
07-Jan-2025 |
Tender Extension Notice |
15 |
02-Jan-2025 |
EOI of Convocation Dress and other items at Bodoland University |
16 |
02-Jan-2025 |
EOI for decoration of Bodofa Statue, hiring of fresh new red carpet, temporary arrangement of urinal with plastic cover, white washing of trees and supply of labour for cleaning, grass cutting etc. at Bodoland University |
17 |
02-Jan-2025 |
EOI for supply of packet lunch at Bodoland University |
18 |
02-Jan-2025 |
EOI for construction of Shamiana and other items at Bodoland University |
19 |
02-Jan-2025 |
NIT for Up gradation of existing security check post at main gate entry of Bodoalnd University. |
20 |
02-Jan-2025 |
NIT for Exterior painting of boundary wall, main gate, road divider, front side of gate, ATM building, foot paths etc of Bodoalnd University |
21 |
26-Dec-2024 |
Tender Notice Repairing and renovation of Basketball court, Volley ball court and Badminton court with electrification works at Bodoland University |
22 |
26-Dec-2024 |
Tender Notice for Construction of M.S gate with RCC pillars near to the Department of Chemistry for emergency exit as well as University Medical Unit and construction of Ramp with railing at Medical Unit of the University |
23 |
17-Dec-2024 |
Tender Notice for External painting work at Centre for Bodo Studies building, Social Science building, Language building and Assam type building of Bodoland University. |
24 |
17-Dec-2024 |
Tender Notice for External painting work of at Alongbar Science building, Central Library building and Dhwnshree hall building of Bodoland University. |
25 |
25-Nov-2024 |
Expression of Interest for the Supply of Ayurvedic Medicines to the medical unit of Bodoland University |
26 |
11-Nov-2024 |
Notice Inviting the Tender for the Sale of Scrap Items (3rd Call) |
27 |
11-Nov-2024 |
Notice Inviting the Tender for the Sale of Scrap Items (3rd Call) |
28 |
09-Oct-2024 |
EOI Empanelment of Vendors for Supply of Print Books to University Library |
29 |
09-Oct-2024 |
Notice Inviting the Tender for the Sale of Scap Items (2nd Call) |
30 |
09-Oct-2024 |
Tender Notice (3rd Call) Renovation and Interior works at V.C. office cum V.C. Conference and Conference Hall of Bodoland University |
31 |
08-Oct-2024 |
Tender Notice 3rd Call Repairing and Renovation works at V.C. Residence of Bodoland University |
32 |
01-Oct-2024 |
Short Quotation Notice Printing and Supply of Bodoland University Students Union Annual Magazine |
33 |
18-Sep-2024 |
Annual Rate Contract (ARC) of Plumbing, Hardware and Sanitary Items |
34 |
18-Sep-2024 |
Annual Rate Contract (ARC) of Stationery and General items (3rd Call) |
35 |
18-Sep-2024 |
Tiles fitting, door replacement and drain with apron, repair and maintenance works at Boys' and Girls' Hostels of Bodoland University (3rd Call) |
36 |
18-Sep-2024 |
Tender Notice for Construction of PCC work at roof top, floor tiles fitting and aluminium partition work at Dhwnshree hall of Bodoland University (3rd Call) |
37 |
18-Sep-2024 |
Tiles Fitting at Computer Science Department (3rd Call) |
38 |
18-Sep-2024 |
Renovation works at V.C. office of Bodoland University (3rd Call) |
39 |
18-Sep-2024 |
Repairing and Renovation works at V.C. Residence of Bodoland University (3rd Call) |
40 |
18-Sep-2024 |
Renewing glass panes with putty and nails at existing windows, ventilations, replacement of window glasses, repairing of door and painting of walls etc. of staff quarters of Bodoalnd University, Deborgaon complex (3rd Call) |
41 |
18-Sep-2024 |
Hiring of Vehicles with Drivers on call basis for one year for Official use (3rd Call) |
42 |
06-Sep-2024 |
43 |
27-Aug-2024 |
Renovation works at V.C. office of Bodoland University |
44 |
27-Aug-2024 |
Construction of PCC work at roof top, floor tiles fitting and aluminium partition work at dhwnshree hall of Bodoland University |
45 |
27-Aug-2024 |
Tiles Fitting at Computer Sc. Dept. of Bodoland University |
46 |
27-Aug-2024 |
Renewing glass panes with putty and nails at existing windows, ventilations, replacement of window glasses, repairing of door and painting of walls etc. of staff quarters of Bodoalnd University, Deborgaon complex |
47 |
27-Aug-2024 |
Tiles fitting, door replacement and drain with apron, repair & maintenance works at Boys' and Girls' Hostels of Bodoland University |
48 |
27-Aug-2024 |
Repairing and Renovation works at V.C. Residence of Bodoland University |
49 |
27-Aug-2024 |
Hiring of Vehicles with Drivers on call basis for one year for Official use |
50 |
27-Aug-2024 |
Annual Rate Contract (ARC) of Stationery and General items |
51 |
27-Aug-2024 |
Annual Rate Contract (ARC) of Plumbing, Hardware and Sanitary Items |
52 |
27-Aug-2024 |
Annual Rate Contract (ARC) of Godrej or its equivalent make furniture and Local make furniture items |
53 |
21-Aug-2024 |
Inviting Tender for Website Development For DBT- Technology Incubation Centre and DBT-Kisan Hub, Bodoland University |
54 |
22-Aug-2024 |
Corrigendum |
55 |
13-Aug-2024 |
Bid for Stationary items Central Library 2nd Call |
56 |
12-Aug-2024 |
57 |
19-Jul-2024 |
Corrigendum |
58 |
19-Jul-2024 |
Tender Notice for Supply, Installation and Commissioning of CCTV System at Bodoland University Premises |
59 |
17-Jul-2024 |
Tender Notice for Renovation works at V.C. office of Bodoland University |
60 |
17-Jul-2024 |
Tender Notice for Renewing glass panes with putty and nails at existing windows, ventilations, replacement of window glasses, repairing of door and painting of walls etc. of staff quarters of Bodoalnd University, Deborgaon complex |
61 |
17-Jul-2024 |
Tender Notice for Construction of PCC work at roof top, floor tiles fitting and aluminium partition work at dhwnshree hall of Bodoland University. |
62 |
17-Jul-2024 |
Tender Notice for Tiles fitting, door replacement and drain with apron,repair&maintenance works at Boys' and Girls' Hostels of Bodoland University. |
63 |
17-Jul-2024 |
Tender Notice for Tiles Fitting at Computer Sc. Dept. of Bodoland University. |
64 |
17-Jul-2024 |
Hiring of Vehicles with Drivers on call basis for one year for Official use of Bodoland University. |
65 |
17-Jul-2024 |
Annual Rate Contract (ARC) of Stationery and General items at Bodoland University, Kokrajhar |
66 |
17-Jul-2024 |
Annual Rate Contract (ARC) of Plumbing, Hardware and Sanitary Items at Bodoland University, Kokrajhar |
67 |
17-Jul-2024 |
Annual Rate Contract (ARC) of Godrej or its equivalent make furniture and Local make furniture items at Bodoland University, Kokrajhar |
68 |
17-Jul-2024 |
Annual Rate Contract (ARC) of Electrical Items on behalf of Bodoland University, Kokrajhar |
69 |
17-Jul-2024 |
Annual Rate Contract (ARC) of Chemicals, Glassware, Plasticware, Labware items etc at Bodoland University |
70 |
16-Jul-2024 |
Tender Cancellation Notice |
71 |
15-Jul-2024 |
Tender For Supply of Stationery Items at Central Library, Bodoland University. |
72 |
12-Jul-2024 |
Tender Notice for Jungle cutting, grass cutting and tree trimming at Bodoland University campus |
73 |
08-Jul-2024 |
Corrigendum Notice of ARC called for Supply of Chemicals on dated 24/06/2024 |
74 |
26-Jun-2024 |
Bid Notice for Annual Rate Contract (ARC) of Plumbing, Hardware and Sanitary Items |
75 |
26-Jun-2024 |
Bid Notice for the Annual Rate Contract (ARC) of Chemicals, Glassware, Plasticware, Labware items etc |
76 |
26-Jun-2024 |
Bid Notice for Annual Rate Contract (ARC) of Electrical Items |
77 |
26-Jun-2024 |
Bid Notice for Annual Rate Contract (ARC) of Godrej or its equivalent make furniture and Local make furniture items |
78 |
26-Jun-2024 |
Bid Notice for Annual Rate Contract (ARC) of Stationery and General items |
79 |
26-Jun-2024 |
Tender Notice Tiles fitting, door replacement and drain with apron, repair & maintenance works at Boys' and Girls' Hostels of Bodoland University. |
80 |
26-Jun-2024 |
NIT for Hiring of Vehicles with Drivers on call basis for one year for Official use of Bodoland University. |
81 |
26-Jun-2024 |
Tender Cancellation Notice |
82 |
20-Jun-2024 |
Tender Notice Renovation works at V.C. Office of Bodoland University |
83 |
14-Jun-2024 |
Tender Notice for Construction of PCC |
84 |
14-Jun-2024 |
Tender Notice Staff Quarters |
85 |
14-Jun-2024 |
Tender Notice for Tiles Fitting Dept. of Computer Science |
86 |
11-Jun-2024 |
Notification For Quotation |
87 |
14-Mar-2024 |
ARC Stationary 24-25 |
88 |
14-Mar-2024 |
ARC plumbing 24-25 |
89 |
14-Mar-2024 |
ARC Furniture 24-25 |
90 |
14-Mar-2024 |
ARC Electrical 24-25 |
91 |
14-Mar-2024 |
ARC Chemicals 24-25 |
92 |
07-Mar-2024 |
Tender Notice for Construction of PCC work at roof top, floor tiles fittings and aluminium partition work at Dhwnshree hall of Bodoland University |
93 |
04-Mar-2024 |
Tender Notice for supply, installation and commissioning of electrification work for Canteen at Bodoland University Campus |
94 |
28-Feb-2024 |
Supply, Installation and Commissioning of laboratory equipments under BERB - SURE sponsored project of Department of Botany of Bodoland University |
95 |
23-Feb-2024 |
Tender Notice |
96 |
19-Feb-2024 |
Tender Notice for Supply Installation and Commissioning of laboratory equipments under DST-SERB sponsored project of Department of Physics of Bodoland University |
97 |
07-Feb-2024 |
Quotation Notice |
98 |
08-Feb-2024 |
Tender Opening Notice |
99 |
02-Feb-2024 |
Cancellation of Tenders |
100 |
29-Jan-2024 |
Corrigendum Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory, Haldibari Complex |
101 |
03-Jan-2024 |
Short Quotation Notice Supply of BUSU Blazzers Cloth and Stitching |
102 |
29-Dec-2023 |
Tender Notice for AMC |
103 |
21-Dec-2023 |
Tender Notice for Construction of Vertical Extension of Birgwshree hall of residence Girls' Hostel at Bodoland University Kokrajhar |
104 |
21-Dec-2023 |
Tender Notice for Construction of Vertical Extension of Burlungbuthur hall of residence Boys Hostel at Bodoland University Kokrajhar |
105 |
19-Dec-2023 |
Tender Notice for supply, installation and commissioning of Laboratory Equipment at Department of Geography of Bodoland University |
106 |
18-Dec-2023 |
Tender Cancellation Notice |
107 |
09-Dec-2023 |
Invitation for Bids for Construction of Vertical Extension of Birgwshree hall of Residence of Bodoland University Kokrajhar |
108 |
09-Dec-2023 |
Invitation for Bids for Construction of Vertical Extension of Burlungbuthur hall of Residence of Bodoland University Kokrajhar |
109 |
11-Dec-2023 |
NIT for Re-painting at interior sides of Gaurang hall of residence of Bodoland University |
110 |
19-Oct-2023 |
Tender Notice for Supply, Installation and Commissioning of laboratory equipments, repairing and chemicals at Commercial Tissue Culture Centre project of Bodoland University |
111 |
18-Oct-2023 |
Tender Notice for refilling, supply and commissioning of fire extinguishers |
112 |
27-Sep-2023 |
Extension Notice for Fitting and fixing of marble flooring at Bodofa U.N. Brahma statue of Bodoland University |
113 |
21-Sep-2023 |
Tender Extension Notice for Electrical Works |
114 |
20-Sep-2023 |
Short Notice Tender 3rd Call |
115 |
20-Sep-2023 |
EOI for Jungle Cutting |
116 |
15-Sep-2023 |
Tender Notice for Fitting and fixing of marble flooring at Bodofa U.N. Brahma statue of Bodoland University |
117 |
13-Sep-2023 |
Tender Notice for Supplying, installation and commissioning of Electrification works for the deptt. of Political Science, Economics and Bio-Technology at Bodoland University Campus |
118 |
23-Aug-2023 |
ARC Electrical 23-24 |
119 |
23-Aug-2023 |
ARC electronics23-24 |
120 |
23-Aug-2023 |
ARC Furniture 23-24 |
121 |
23-Aug-2023 |
ARC- plumbing 23-24 |
122 |
23-Aug-2023 |
ARC Stationery 23-24 |
123 |
09-Aug-2023 |
EOI for Supply, installation and commissioning of Laboratory Equipments under Ornamental Fish Food Project of Bodoland University |
124 |
11-Jul-2023 |
Tender Opening Notice |
125 |
07-Jul-2023 |
EOI for Architect |
126 |
07-Jul-2023 |
Short Quotation Notice |
127 |
24-Jun-2023 |
ARC Tender Notice for Plumbing items 23-24 |
128 |
24-Jun-2023 |
ARC Tender Notice for Stationery items 23-24 |
129 |
24-Jun-2023 |
ARC Tender Notice for Furniture items 23-24 |
130 |
24-Jun-2023 |
ARC Notice for Electronics Items for the Financial Year 2023-24 |
131 |
24-Jun-2023 |
ARC Tender Notice for Electrical items 23-24 |
132 |
12-Jun-2023 |
Tender Opening Notice |
133 |
07-Jun-2023 |
NIT for C.C Flooring |
134 |
31-May-2023 |
Short Quotation Notice |
135 |
22-May-2023 |
Tender Extension Notice for Supply and installation of 1.5 KVA inverter set for Computer Science deptt. of Bodoland University Campus |
136 |
22-May-2023 |
Tender Extension Notice for Supply, installation, fitting and fixing of electrification work and Earthen work at Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory of Bodoland University Haldaibari Campus. etc. |
137 |
22-May-2023 |
Tender Extension Notice for Construction of Aluminium Partition for accommodation of Teaching Staffs of Political Science Department of Bodoland University |
138 |
22-May-2023 |
Tender Notice for ARC Stationery items 23-24 |
139 |
22-May-2023 |
Tender Notice for ARC in Plumbing Items 23-24 |
140 |
22-May-2023 |
Tender Notice for ARC in Furniture 23-24 |
141 |
22-May-2023 |
ARC Tender Notice for Electrical items 23-24 |
142 |
22-May-2023 |
ARC Tender Notice for Electronics 23-24 |
143 |
04-May-2023 |
Tender Opening Notice |
144 |
02-May-2023 |
Expression of interest for Supply, installation and commissioning of Laboratory Equipments at Department of Geography of Bodoland University |
145 |
02-May-2023 |
Tender Notice for Aluminium Partition for accommodation of Teaching Staffs of Political Science Department of Bodoland University. |
146 |
27-Apr-2023 |
Supply Installation and Commissioning of Electrification work and earthing work at Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory of Bodoland University Haldaibari Campus et.. Science Department of Bodoland University |
147 |
27-Apr-2023 |
Cancellation of Tender |
148 |
03-Apr-2023 |
ARC Notice of Electrical/Chemical/Stationery/Electronics/Plumbing/Furniture items for the Financial Year 2023-24 |
149 |
24-Feb-2023 |
EOI for Painting Works of Teaching Staff Quarters |
150 |
08-Feb-2023 |
EOI for Painting Works of Buildings |
151 |
03-Apr-2023 |
Supply Installation and Commissioning of 1.5 KVA Inverter at Computer Science Department of Bodoland University |
152 |
25-Mar-2023 |
NOTICE INVITING TENDER Electrification work and Earthing work at Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory of Bodoland University, Haldaibari Campus |
153 |
21-Mar-2023 |
EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (URGENT) Supply, installation and commissioning of Laboratory Equipments at Biotech Hub |
154 |
13-Mar-2023 |
Short Tender Notice Construction of Cement concrete flooring |
155 |
09-Mar-2023 |
Tender Extension Notice for Supply Installation and Commissioning of ArcGIS and ERDAS Software at Bodoland University |
156 |
09-Feb-2023 |
Expression of interest is invited from the GST registered Firm/Supplier for supply, installation and commissioning of signage boards of Bodoland University |
157 |
13-Feb-2023 |
Expression of interest is invited from the GST registered Firm/Supplier for providing fitting and fixing Bodoland University digital board with LOGO at Administrative building and brass letter of 'Bagurumba - Bodo folk dance' with LOGO at main entrance gate pillar of Bodoland University. |
158 |
03-Feb-2023 |
Re-tender Notice for Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of surveillance system with Accessories in the Central Library Bodoland University,Kokrajhar |
159 |
28-Jan-2023 |
Tender Extension Notice for Re-painting with Plastic emulsion paint at 1st floor of Central Library Building |
160 |
28-Jan-2023 |
Short Tender Notice for Construction of Cricket Pitch and Repairing of Badminton Court & Volleyball Court |
161 |
18-Jan-2023 |
Tender Extension Notice for Supply Installation and Commissioning of ArcGIS and ERDAS Software at Bodoland University |
162 |
10-Jan-2023 |
Tender for Design, Supply of Plastics pre – printed Security Envelopes for office of the Controller of Examinations Bodoland University |
163 |
10-Jan-2023 |
Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Energy Dispersive Spectroscope (EDS) for Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) at NEC sponsored project of Bodoland University |
164 |
05-Jan-2023 |
Notice Inviting Tender for Supply Installation and Commissioning of Siliconised aquariums and other equipments required for exploring tourism potential with indigenous ornamental fish, and fish food formulation from mushroom, BTR |
165 |
04-Nov-2022 |
Notice: Tender Notice for supply, installation and commissioning of Surveillance System at Central Library of Bodoland University |
166 |
04-Nov-2022 |
Tender Notice for supply, installation and commissioning of HPLC System |
167 |
17-Nov-2022 |
Extension Notice for Selection of Architect/Consultant |
168 |
18-Nov-2022 |
Extension Notice for Maintenance works at Grade IV quarters |
169 |
18-Nov-2022 |
Extension Notice for Construction of Generator Shed and Care taker room |
170 |
22-Nov-2022 |
EOI for Supply, Installation and Execution of RFID KIOS at Central Library of BU |
171 |
23-Nov-2022 |
Notice for Bidder |
172 |
01-Dec-2022 |
Re-Tender Notice for Supply Installation and commisioning of IP CCTV Surveliance System at Central Library |
173 |
02-Dec-2022 |
Re-Tender Notice for Supply Installation and commisioning of Anti-Plagiarism Software at Central Library |
174 |
09-Dec-2022 |
Tender Notice for Supply Installation and commisioning of ArcGIS and ERDAS Software at Bodoland University |
175 |
09-Dec-2022 |
Extension Notice for Construction of Generator Shed and Care taker room |
176 |
09-Dec-2022 |
Tender Notice for Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and other its accessories at NEC sponsored project of Bodoland University |
177 |
09-Dec-2022 |
Tender Notice for Supply, Installation and Commissioning of HPLC system at Bodoland University |
178 |
15-Dec-2022 |
Re-painting with Plastic emulsion paint at 1st floor of Central Library Building, fitting of granite tiles in the front wall and maintenance works etc of Bodoland University. |
179 |
19-Dec-2022 |
Corrigendum Notice for supply, installation and Commissioning of Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and other accessories at NEC sponsored project of Bodoland University |
180 |
19-Dec-2022 |
Corrigendum Notice for supply, installation and Commissioning of HLC system at Bodoland University |
181 |
21-Dec-2022 |
Supply Installation and Commissioning of training logistics equipment at NEC Sponsored Projects of Bodoland University |
182 |
21-Dec-2022 |
Supply Installation and Commissioning of Furniture and Fixtures, Conference System etc at NEC Sponsored Projects of Bodoland University |